
Teston 400mg/mL


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Super test 400mg/mL (Testoterone blend)

WARNING: if you are going to use a high concentrated drug for the first time, we strongly recommend to inject only ½ ml to check the body reaction and to prevent possible side effects, which can include post injection pain (PIP), high body temperature, lumps, etc.

  • ACTIVITY 5-7 days
  • CLASSIFICATION Anabolic steroid
  • HBR Perhaps
  • DOSAGE Men 500 – 1500 mg /week
  • ACNE Yes

Test 400 and test 500:

Test 400 has flooded the market in the last couple of years bringing various different blends of testosterone from various different manufacturers and many black market brands have capitalized on this recent trend.  Test 400 has been tailored for today’s bodybuilders looking for the ultimate mass building product.

There has been talk of test 400 being fake and that it does not exist due to it being too strong and the solution would crash, however any chemist with half a brain will tell you this is untrue.

To ensure Test 400 remains stable the alcohol content is slightly increased which for some sensitive users means painful injections but 95% of users need not worry about this as only a very few are sensitive to this.

Test 400 – Side Effects

Test 400 can cause side effects such as acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement and it will shut down your natural hormone function. Most of the side effects begin as the body turns high levels of testosterone into estrogen due to the aromatase enzyme.

This side effect can be controlled by the use of anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex, Proviron or Arimidex which all work in different ways in controlling the estrogen but still get the job done. Anti estrogen products will help keep any water retention down so you do not look as bloated or puffy and will also combat any gyno (bitch tit) problems that some users are sensitive to.

Test 400 is a seriously strong blend of testosterones which in some users can convert to dihydrotestosterone which is a worry for some as this can cause male pattern baldness but again this can be controlled by use of Finasteride and Regain.

Buy Test 400 – Dosage/Stacking/Results

As with any testosterone it will increase nitrogen retention in the muscle, there are reports of it increasing IGF-1 in the muscle tissue and liver and it also has an active role in repairing exercised damaged muscle tissue through satellite cell activity.

Test 400 is very highly anabolic and very highly androgenic and will cause a massive increase in strength and size which you will physically see in approximately 14 days. Test 400 is very popular amongst bodybuilders today and I have physically seen it produce dramatic results for competitive bodybuilders whilst in early stages of preparing for competition.

Test 400 is the ultimate testosterone mass builder and is usually stacked on a bulking phase with the likes of Deca Durabolin and Dianbol or Anadrol 50. The Dianabol or Anadrol 50 should be used in the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle to kick start the whole process by up regulating the receptor sites, the Test 400 and Deca Durabolin would be continued for the full 8-12 weeks.

Towards the end of such a course many bodybuilders would add hardening steroids such as Masteron to stay in an anabolic state and tighten the gains made. To ensure you keep most of your gains when you come off a cycle including Test 400 it is very important that post cycle therapy products are used such as Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG.

Testosterone enanthate:

Enanthate is one of the most commonly used testosterones for the treatment of low testosterone. It is also extremely popular in performance enhancing circles. This is one of the most affordable anabolic steroids on the market, it’s highly versatile, tolerated well by most all adult men and its supply is through the roof.

Testosterone Enanthate is an anabolic steroid that is perfect for all levels of use. This is the perfect anabolic steroid for the first time steroid user and will be equally effective for the individual with a lot of time in the saddle. It will carry with it possible side effects but we will also find they are very easy to control. If this is surprising it really shouldn’t be. After all, although synthetic it’s simply testosterone, a hormone the human body is not only well-accustomed to but one that is essential to our health and wellbeing.

Testosterone Enanthate Functions & Traits:

Testosterone Enanthate is a single large ester base testosterone compound. This is a pure synthetic testosterone hormone that has a carboxylic acid ester attached in Enanthate (enanthoic acid). The ester itself is attached to the hormone at the 17-beta hydroxyl group. By attaching the Enanthate ester, this allows for a control of the hormones active duration and total release time. Once injected, the testosterone does not become active until the ester begins to detach from the hormone. The total detachment does not happen all at once but allows for a slow, steady release of the active hormone into the body. Once injected, there will be a sharp spike in testosterone within the first 24-48 hours post injection. From here the hormone will continually separate and dissipate through the body. By its time frame, Testosterone Enanthate carries a half-life of approximately 8 days, which will allow for as little as one injection every 2 weeks in a therapeutic setting. However, every 7-10 days will prove far more effective in maintaining stability.

As is with all testosterone hormones, Testosterone Enanthate carries an anabolic rating of 100 and an androgenic rating of 100. The testosterone hormone is the basis by-which all ratings of all anabolic steroids are measured. And unlike the ratings of some steroids, testosterone’s translate perfectly from its structural nature to functional basis. This hormone will present high levels of anabolic and androgenic activity.

On a functional basis, Testosterone Enanthate is the perfect remedy for treating low testosterone. If you suffer from low testosterone, this simply means your body is no longer producing enough of this primary androgen on its own. As Testosterone Enanthate is simply that, testosterone, it will remedy the low level condition. Millions upon millions of men worldwide suffer from some type of low level androgen deficiency. In the U.S. alone it is estimated that more than 20 million men suffer from an androgen deficiency. Women can also suffer from low testosterone and Testosterone Enanthate can treat it. However, most women will be better served with alternative forms of testosterone treatment such as gels that contain a mixture of testosterone and progesterone or small testosterone implant pellets like Testopel.

For the man who suffers from low testosterone, there are numerous symptoms that can occur. This condition can negatively affect your physical, mental and sexual wellbeing in a host of ways. The symptoms themselves are not life threatening; however, it is an unhealthy condition, very bothersome and can be an open doorway to many far more serious conditions. The symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Loss of Libido (can refer to partial or total loss)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (inability to maintain or obtain and erection)
  • Loss of Muscle Mass (despite diet & exercise)
  • Loss of Strength (despite diet & exercise)
  • Increased Body Fat (despite diet & exercise)
  • Loss of Mental Clarity
  • Decreased Ability to Focus
  • Lethargy
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Decreased Energy
  • Depression
  • Weakened Immune System

If you suffer from low levels you may not suffer from all the symptoms. Most commonly you will suffer from one of the sexually related from the get go but this isn’t necessarily a guarantee. As time goes by, if ignored the condition will lead to you experiencing more symptoms. In fact, it’s very possible that you could end up suffering from every last symptom on the list. There truly is no reason for suffering from low testosterone, especially when treatment with compounds like Testosterone Enanthate is so effective and simple to administer. It’s also important to keep in mind if the condition is ignored low testosterone has been linked to contributing to many far more serious conditions such as:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Infertility
  • Polyuria
  • Anxiety
  • Heart Disease

If you suffer from any of the aforementioned symptoms of low testosterone, you are strongly encouraged to seek out treatment. Talk to your doctor about the condition and seek out treatment with compounds like Testosterone Enanthate. If your doctor is unwilling, go to another doctor. You will find many physicians are increasingly becoming more educated on the topic, but there are still those who refuse to give the matter the attention it deserves.

For the performance enhancing athlete, Testosterone Enanthate will benefit them the same as it did the low testosterone patient. They will find their physical, mental and sexual wellbeing to be greatly improved. However, for this individual he will be taking his testosterone levels far beyond baseline. He will be taking his levels above and beyond what could ever be naturally produced. As a result, there are five important traits of testosterone that will be greatly enhanced and are imperative to performance enhancement success. We will go into how the hormone can be beneficial due to these traits in most all cycles, but we need to begin with what makes these traits important.

[1] Enhanced Protein Synthesis:

Protein represents the primary building block of muscle tissue, where synthesis represents the rate by-which cells build proteins. By supplementing with Testosterone Enanthate, the rate of synthesis is enhanced. This promotes higher levels of anabolic activity and enhances the body’s ability to recover.

[2] Enhanced Nitrogen Retention:

By enhancing nitrogen retention, we protect the anabolic atmosphere and to a degree enhance it even more. All lean muscle tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen and when levels fall this leads to a catabolic (muscle wasting) state. By maintaining a positive nitrogen balance, we remain more anabolic. This will enhance tissue growth abilities and will be imperative when dieting when it comes to protecting lean muscle tissue.

[3] Increased Red Blood Cell Count:

By increasing our red blood cell count we greatly increase our muscular endurance. This is due to red blood cells being responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood. Greater blood oxygenation equates greater output, more endurance and even plays a role on recovery.

[4] Increased IGF-1 Output:

Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is a naturally produced protein hormone (peptide class) that is primarily produced by the liver. This hormone is highly anabolic and affects nearly every cell in the human body. It is also directly tied to Human Growth Hormone (HGH) as HGH largely regulates its production. The hormone also plays a strong role on the body’s ability to heal and recover affecting muscle tissue, cartilage, nerves, tendons, ligaments and even our central nervous system among many other areas.

[5] Inhibition of Glucocorticoids:

Glucocorticoid hormones are naturally produced steroidal hormones; however, they are not anabolic. In fact, glucocorticoid hormones are catabolic (muscle wasting) as they destroy muscle tissue and promote fat gain. Cortisol is the most well-known glucocorticoid hormone or as they’re often known stress hormones. These hormones are necessary to a degree in the body but not in large amounts. By inhibiting these hormones, we again promote a stronger anabolic atmosphere.

When we take our testosterone levels to a high level state, the above traits of the testosterone hormone are enhanced. There is more hormone available to do what the hormone does best. This may all sound very simple but that’s only because it is very simple. Anabolic steroids like Testosterone Enanthate are nowhere nearly as complicated as they’re often made out to be. They are simply synthetic hormones based on the very hormones our body already produces.

Effects of Testosterone Enanthate:

If you suffer from low testosterone the effects of Testosterone Enanthate simply mean you will suffer from low testosterone no longer. The symptoms associated with the condition will vanish and each one of those areas of your life will be improved. If you suffer from low testosterone, you should also know that the only thing that will fully remedy the condition is direct testosterone therapy through hormones like Testosterone Enanthate.

For the performance enhancing athlete, the effects of Testosterone Enanthate will be highly versatile and will stretch across all aspects of performance. The direction you go will be dependent on your diet and training. This isn’t a bulking steroid or a cutting steroid; it is simply a steroid that can serve all purposes of supplementation.

For the off-season individual, there are very few anabolic steroids that can promote lean tissue growth like Testosterone Enanthate. The individual will be able to pack on raw size at a significant rate so as long as adequate calories are consumed. You must still eat to grow and you will still need to train. This is not a magical supplement nor is there anything magical about anabolic steroids despite the popular perception. As you will be able to pack on a lot of size, as a bonus you will be able to do so with less body fat accumulation that would otherwise occur. High levels of testosterone will enhance the individual’s overall metabolic rate tremendously. This isn’t a license to eat with no end in sight, you can still gain fat but you should be able to make better use of your calories.

Then we have the cutting cycle and high levels of testosterone provided by Testosterone Enanthate can prove to be invaluable. In order to lose body fat we must burn more calories than we consume. You can eat the healthiest food on earth and exercise four hours a day, but if you’re consuming more than you burn you will not lose any fat. Due to the necessary caloric restriction, this can put our lean muscle mass at risk. The body will take what it needs to meet its energy demands from anywhere it can get it and this can include muscle tissue. A well planned diet will be designed to burn body fat not muscle, but as we become leaner the body will begin preserving the body fat due to its survival instinct and take what it needs from muscle tissue. By supplementing with Testosterone Enanthate, the pronounced enhancement of anabolic action will protect this lean tissue and ensure we only burn body fat. It will also see our metabolism greatly enhanced so that we burn body fat at a more efficient rate.

The final effects of Testosterone Enanthate will be enjoyed by all those who use the steroid regardless of their direct purpose of use. High testosterone levels will result in greater muscular endurance. You will not tire out as fast and will have the ability to do more work. You will also find your overall rate of recovery is greatly improved, which is essential to progress. Progress is not made in the gym. When we train we actually tear down muscle tissue. It is through recovery that we progress. This makes compounds like Testosterone Enanthate not only invaluable to bodybuilders and recreational gym rats but to athletes as well. Endurance and recovery are two of the key elements to successful athletic performance. As an added bonus, high testosterone levels will increase the individual’s strength. This is obviously an advantage to an athlete and is very welcomed in an off-season cycle designed for physique enhancement. During a diet under caloric restriction, especially in harsh diets of a competitive bodybuilding nature, the individual shouldn’t expect much if any strength increase but he should be able to maintain more of it.

Testosterone Cypionate:

Testosterone Cypionate is a synthetic version of the naturally produced testosterone hormone. This hormone is responsible for many different physical and mental characteristics in males. It promotes sex drive, fat loss, helps with gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, increases bone density, and may even protect against heart disease. Whether it is naturally produced or through the use of Testosterone Cypionate, these traits do not change. All other steroids are actually the testosterone molecule that has been altered to change the properties of the hormone.  Testosterone Cypionate carries a rating of 100 when measuring its anabolic/androgenic structure and this rating is used to measure all other steroids. This would make testosterone the “father” of all anabolic steroids used by athletes today.  It should be noted; all testosterone compounds, including Testosterone Cypionate carry this anabolic/androgenic score of 100, as they are all merely testosterone.

Testosterone Cypionate is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it a great steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. Testosterone Cypionate promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle and the more nitrogen the muscles hold the more protein the muscles store. Testosterone Cypionate can also increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1 in muscle tissue providing even more anabolic activity. Testosterone Cypionate also has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells. These cells play an active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor to promote androgen receptor dependent mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss.

Testosterone Cypionate induces changes in shape, size and can also change the appearance and the number of muscle fibers. Androgens like testosterone can protect your hard earned muscle from the catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones, in-turn inhibiting the related adverse reactions. In addition, Testosterone Cypionate has the ability to increase red blood cell production and a higher red blood cell count will improve endurance through increased oxygenation in the blood. More red blood cells can also improve recovery from strenuous physical activity. Even so, Testosterones anabolic/androgenic effects are dose dependent; the higher the dose the higher the muscle building effect.

Many athletes display massive strength gains while using Testosterone Cypionate as the hormone improves muscle contraction by increasing the number of motor neutrons in muscle and improves neuromuscular transmission. It also promotes glycogen synthesis providing more fuel for intense workouts thereby increasing endurance and strength.

Testosterone Cypionate also has the ability to promote fat loss through an enhancement of metabolic activity. Testosterone binds to the androgen receptor fairly well resulting in fat breakdown, and further prevents new fat cell formation. Another indirect action of fat loss that testosterone produces is the nutrient portioning effect it has on muscle and fat. Since the body is building muscle at an accelerated rate more of the food you eat is shuttled to muscle tissue instead of being stored as fat; nutrient efficiency is enhanced.

Testosterone Cypionate will also play a crucial role revolving around creatine. Creatine is essential to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the source of energy for our muscles and when the muscles are stimulated ATP is broken down into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and this is what releases energy. Unfortunately, the process is often too slow during strenuous activity but through the use of Testosterone Cypionate, this demand is met as ATP is replenished at a much faster rate.

Effects of Testosterone Cypionate

With a well-planned Testosterone Cypionate cycle, nearly every anabolic steroid benefit can be obtained. For the off-season athlete, more lean muscle mass can be built with less body fat gain. In-order to grow, you must consume enough calories and fat gain will occur, but Testosterone Cypionate will ensure the brunt of your weight gain is the weight you want.

While off-season bulking use is the most common, the effects of Testosterone Cypionate can be tremendously beneficial during the cutting phase too. During this period of use, we are able to preserve far more lean muscle tissue that would otherwise be lost. In-order to lose body fat, we must burn more calories than we consume and this can and often does lead to muscle and strength loss. Further, the longer and harder you diet the more muscle and strength will be at risk, but due to the traits of Testosterone Cypionate muscle tissue and strength are protected.

Regardless of the purpose of use, Testosterone Cypionate defines performance enhancement by its ability to promote recovery and endurance. With a performance level dose of Testosterone Cypionate your body can recover faster and you won’t tire out as quickly.  This will allow you to workout longer and harder, and more progress can be made. This is performance enhancement at its best!


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